What makes a Martha Mockford kitchen affordable?
Martha Mockford’s pricing policy is to offer the best value possible to our clients. We achieve this through experience and the purchasing power of a long-standing substantial business that continually works to reduce it’s cost base .
In purchasing a kitchen, client’s seek value. The values we offer are those of design, durability, and price. These values are delivered in a transparent and easy to understand presentation. The kitchens are delivered in a van. Can you afford to make a mistake in your proposed expenditure? I know that we cannot; that is why we at Martha Mockford work hard to get things right first time every time.
I have been talking kitchens with new clients every week for twenty-five years. I have been measuring rooms every week for twenty-five years. I have designed, specified and pricing a kitchen every week for twenty-five years. I have enough experience to design and pricing , quickly and efficiently while always maintaining affordability, there is little point in designing an unaffordable kitchen.
We have always provided high-quality work. Our cabinets are of a very durable specification in high density ¾ board throughout; often colour coded to the door selected. Our drawer boxes have always been the most up to date available and are over engineered to a ridiculous level. The doors on this website are all form very reputable suppliers; all are made within Europe, most are from the British Isles. We are not selling open market kitchens without providence.
We have maintained a database of all the work we have done over the years. When an existing client phones up I can go directly to their work on my computer and resolve the issue. We are often confronted with little updates to do for our previous clients. We are often contacted by new owners of our kitchens just to touch base and check that support is there. We have access to nearly 100 thousand purchasing records; all we need is a postcode to look up your file.
We are not the cheapest. B&Q are cheaper; Howdens the MFI spinoff is also cheaper. Both of these suppliers offer a reasonable product for the price, certainly when one considers their overheads. Our prices are higher but we offer an excellent product for the price. I believe that if you take longevity into account we are streets ahead. I often design and specify a kitchen for a four bedroomed house in the £10 thousand area; including appliances, perhaps a solid surface work top, perhaps even solid oak doors, certainly a full kitchen. A kitchen like this I would expect to have a reasonable life span of twenty years; which comes to £500 a year. After twenty years you will have a kitchen that works, you may not like it but it will work. I did not attend the “planned obsolescence” lecture at university; there were better options that day.
From the chain kitchen suppliers, you may get ten years out of a kitchen costing £7.5 thousand that comes to £750 a year. These ten years may well take their toll on such a kitchen. From the high street designer retailer, you may get the quality we offer, but it is unlikely to come to £10 thousand. I have engineered my company to have low overheads and I don’t want a flashy car; I have a garden which is far more fun. I enjoy what I do; make contact and enjoy your kitchen purchasing experience with Martha Mockford.
Have a look at our ever growing portfolio, all our works are given a price and yes the more you ant the more it costs.
When not sorting out kitchens for clients in one manner or another I am mucking about at home. Here doing chicken selfies.